Photos & Videos
16th Engadin Half Marathon
The most beautiful pictures
Eventfotos von Swiss Image
Swiss Image ist als kleine, hoch spezialisierte Fotoagentur mit bestens etablierten Online-Distributionskanälen unser kompetenter Partner rund um die Eventbilder.
Participant Photos
The matching souvenir photo of your run is provided by Sportograf - the athletic photographer for your personal participant pictures.
Sport|o|graf: see also: athletic photographer, photographing athlete; sb., who photographed for love of sports, a freak, unhappy without a camera; sb. who never forgets his camera for sports.
To the personal participants photos:
Photos 2025
Participant videos
We recorded your personal Engadin Skimarathon! Watch your finish on video again and share this great performance with your friends.
TV broadcast 2024
SRF zwei | 08:00 - 9:15 am |
SRF Info | 09:15 - 10:30 am |
RSI LA2 | 08:10 - 9:20 am |
Online live stream 2024
Website/App | Time | & SRF Sport App (German) | from 08:10 am | & RSI Sport App (Italian) | from 09:20 am | & RTS Sport App (French) | from 08:10 am |
Further impressions and background stories
Much has been reported about the 50th anniversary. Here is a selection of videos to watch.
Race director Adriano Iseppi explains the famous «Engadiner»-route
Marathon whispers
50 years preparation of the lake trails with Dumeng Giovanoli, Nino Ganzoni & Corsin Willy
The change of organization with Geni Peter, Claudio Chiogna & Emil Tall
Fascination «Engadiner» with Albert Giger, Christine Gilli-Brüngger & Ueli Lamm
SRF Sport
Sportpanorama SRF 2018: Summary
SRF Schweiz Aktuell
Anniversary at the Engadin Skimarathon 2018
RTR Radio Televisiun Rumantscha
Il Maraton da skis festivar ses giubileum da 50 onns: il maraton giubilar
Quai è stà il 50avel Marathon da skis Engiadinai