Start procedure & divisions
55th Engadin Skimarathon
Division into start waves
We proceed as follows for wave allocations:
For registrations before mid-January:
- The allocation to the different waves B1 to H28 will take place from mid-January. All persons who have registered by mid-January will be considered for allocation. Earlier allocation is not possible.
- Each wave consists of a maximum of 500 persons.
- The 200 participants with the fastest qualification times will be allocated to wave A0.
- For the wave allocations, the existing qualification times from the Engadin Skimarathon 2019, 2022, 2023 or 2024 will be taken into account. The best time (in relation to the winning time) will always be taken into account.
For registrations after mid-January:
- Participants who register after mid-January will be placed in the wave that corresponds to their strength class or running time. If the wave is already full, the participants will be placed in the next later wave (if space is still available).
- Each wave has a maximum of 500 participants.
First-time participants and participants without a valid qualification period
First-time participants and participants who do not have a qualification period between 2022 and 2024 can indicate their estimated time when registering online. The split into the waves takes place in mid-January based on the stated time. If a race time of less than 2:30 h is specified, the wave change form must be filled out and documented with a corresponding Swiss or Worldloppet result from the last two years.
«Engadin Skimarathon – individual» does not count as qualification
Results from the «Engadin Skimarathon – individual» do not count as qualification time for the Engadin Skimarathon. These running times will not be taken into account for the wave allocation when participating in the Engadin Skimarathon.
General regulations
The classifications are not binding
The specified time, an existing qualification time or a valid performance record do not automatically guarantee a place in the wave that corresponds to the specified time. Depending on the registration status, the corresponding waves may already be full. If this is the case, the participants will be assigned to the next possible wave.
Request for wave change
Participants who have not started the Engadin Skimarathon for more than two years can start in the front waves with a valid proof of performance. For this purpose, the wave change form must be filled out.
Valid qualification time
The qualification period for all participants is two years. If there is a qualification time from the Engadin Skimarathon for this period, this is relevant and proof of performance from other cross-country races will not be taken into account for the classification in this case.
Change of start wave
For changing to a different starting wave, a request must be submitted with the wave change form, after registration and receival of the entry fee. The allocation is made by the organizer and participants will be informed accordingly. The organization reserves the right not to consider any applications after 16 February.
If there are qualifications from the Engadin Skimarathon from the past two years, no applications will be processed.
When requesting a starting wave change after the starting bib has been allocated, a processing fee of CHF 40.00 will be charged. The first starting bib allocation will take place at the beginning of January and then continuously thereafter.
Time divisions 2024 for the wave allocation in 2025
Due to the adjustment of the start to Silvaplana, a recalculated net time will be used for the 2025 wave allocation: The section time for the route section between Lake of Champfèr (start olympic jump ascent) and St. Moritz (Nordic archway) will be deducted from the total running time.
Example calculation:
Total race time: Silvaplana - S-chanf: 3.14 hours (this time remains as the race time and on the ranking list)
Running time: Start olympic jump axcent - St. Moritz: 10 minutes
New time for calculating the 2025 wave allocation: 3.04 hours
This time is then extrapolated as a percentage compared to the winning time. This gives us a comparable total time with the other years.
Start procedure
The starting procedure at the Engadin Skimarathon is in waves. Each participant has their individual start time reserved for them.
How does the wave start work?
The participants are divided into a total of 29 wave numbers (A0 to number H28). The assigned wave numbers (e.g. D17) can be seen on the start number.
The starting area is divided into three areas: starting grounds, starting area and starting field. Access to the starting grounds (deposit of securities, toilets, food, warming tent and wax service) is open to everyone at all times. Access to the starting area and the starting field is only possible at a certain, predefined time. The color on the start number determines when you can access to starting area. The colors yellow, green, red and blue define the different admission times.
Admission times start area:
Color of the start number | Admission times |
Yello | from 06:30 am |
Green | from 08:15 am |
Red | from 08:35 am |
Blue | from 09:00 am |
Important: Queuing and waiting in front of the entrance to the start area does not bring any advantages, as the participants will be divided into the different waves after admission to the start area. We recommend arriving at the starting area a maximum of 60 to 80 minutes before the start time. Admission to the starting area is on foot.
Starting area - what now?
In the starting area, the individual entrances to the starting fields are labeled with the respective wave number (e.g. H14). The wave number can be seen on the start number. Participants enter the starting field via the starting area. Skis may not be deposited, put on or placed on the ground in the starting area. It is only allowed to put on your skis within the starting field.
Important: There are no toilets in the starting area. The trucks for personal effects are located in the starting area. Personal effects must be handed in before access to the start area.
Starting field - we're about to start
As soon as the front waves have started, the waiting participants move to the starting field. This is entered on foot, after which the skis can be put on. The start now takes place wave by wave according to the predefined starting time. Ready for the Engadin Skimarathon? Here we go. Hey hey!
Important: There is enough time in the starting field to put on your skis and get ready for the start. Entering the starting field is possible until the start of the respective wave. After this time the entrance will be closed and late participants will have to start in one of the next waves.
From wave C2 the net time measurement applies. The time measurement is only triggered after the start line (by the lake) has been passed. For waves A0 and B1 the gross time applies.
Participants who are not divided into the same wave and want to ski together are allowed to do so. Instead, the person who was assigned to an earlier wave moves back into the wave of the colleague. It is always possible to start in a later wave than the allocated one.
Important: No spectators or accompanying persons are allowed in the starting area or in the starting fields.
Start times of the individual waves
Wave number | Starting time | Access to start field from | Color start number |
A 0 | 08:15 am (Elite Women) | 06.30 am | yellow |
A 0 | 08:18 am (Elite Men) | 06.30 am | yellow |
B 1 | 08:18 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
C 2 | 08:20 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
D 3 | 08:22 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
E 4 | 08:25 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
F 5 | 08:28 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
G 6 | 08:31 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
H 7 | 08:34 am | 06:30 am | yellow |
B 8 | 08:39 am | 08:15 am | green |
C 9 | 08:42 am | 08:15 am | green |
D 10 | 08:45 am | 08:15 am | green |
E 11 | 08:48 am | 08:15 am | green |
F 12 | 08:53 am | 08:15 am | green |
G 13 | 08:56 am | 08:15 am | green |
H 14 | 08:59 am | 08:15 am | green |
B 15 | 09:04 am | 08:35 am | red |
C 16 | 09:07 am | 08:35 am | red |
D 17 | 09:10 am | 08:35 am | red |
E 18 | 09:13 am | 08:35 am | red |
F 19 | 09:18 am | 08:35 am | red |
G 20 | 09:21 am | 08:35 am | red |
H 21 | 09:24 am | 08:35 am | red |
B 22 | 09:29 am | 09:00 am | blue |
C 23 | 09:31 am | 09:00 am | blue |
D 24 | 09:33 am | 09:00 am | blue |
E 25 | 09:35 am | 09:00 am | blue |
F 26 | 09:37 am | 09:00 am | blue |
G 27 | 09:39 am | 09:00 am | blue |
H 28 | 09:41 am | 09:00 am | blue |